14 December 2023
Principal’s Update

Dear families,
What a year 2023 has been, we celebrated and participated in a number of events including Harmony Day, Easter Hat Parade, National Simultaneous Story Time, Autism Awareness Day, Interm Swimming, Book Week, Pyjama Day, Sports Carnival, Day for Daniel, NAIDOC Week, ESSN Camp and Colour Run. I hope you enjoy reading your child’s reports and celebrating their achievements.
On behalf of our students and all the staff at Gwynne Park ESC I’d like to acknowledge and thank our amazing P&C for the dedication and work they put into fundraising for our school this year and thank them for their contributions towards the school that have included funds for our PBS Signage, School Fun Day, contributions to camp, graduation dogs and a generous sum to enhance our Rainbow Sensory Room (Walken Mia).
I would like to thank our whole school community and families who have continued to support our school this year. Our staff, thank you for your ongoing commitment to our students, your care and passion towards aiding student outcomes is what makes our school what it is. Thank you!
I would like to thank you and farewell the staff who are embarking on new adventures in 2024. I’d like to acknowledge Natasha Miller who will start 2024 as Principal at Riverton ESC, Samantha Ewen-Hinson as Project Coordinator at Leda ESC and Michelle Briggs, Teacher at Canning Vale ESC, Laura Samuelson, Teacher at Pine View Primary School Nikki Orr, Teacher at Canning Vale Primary School,and Stacey Gilmore (EA). All of these staff members have given so much to our school and I thank them for their contribution. I would like to welcome teachers Lauren Abbott, Jade Bartholomew and Matt James to our school next year.
It is with sadness and pride I farewell our amazing group of Year 6’s. I wish you all the very best as you move into high school. I hope you look back at your time at Gwynne Park ESC fondly and cherish your time with us. Theo, Daniel, Jasper, Cooper, Emmett, Anthony, Travis, Robert, Zarek, Spencer, Elijah and Eshan embrace the future and the adventure into high school as I am sure it will be amazing.
I wish all of you a safe holiday break, lovely Christmas and New Year.
Kind regards,
Natasha Naylor
Important Dates 2024
Term 1
Birak (Red) – Season of the Young – December to January
Bunuru (Orange) – Season of Adolescence – February to March
Wednesday 31 January - First day for Students
Monday 4 March – Labour Day (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 27 March – Assembly 9am
Thursday 28 March – Last Day of Term
Friday 29 March – Good Friday (Public Holiday)
Term 2
Djeran (Green) – Season of Adulthood – April to May
Makuru (Blue) – Season of Fertility – June to July
Monday 15 April – School Development Day
Tuesday 16 April – Students return
Thursday 25 April – ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)
Monday 3 June – WA Day (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 26 June – Assembly 9am
Friday 28 June – Last Day of Term
Term 3
Makuru (Blue) – Season of Fertility – June to July
Djilba (Purple) – Season of Conception – August to September
Monday 17 July – School Development Day
Tuesday 16 July – Students return
Wednesday 18 September – Assembly 9am
Friday 20 September – Last Day of Term
Term 4
Kambarang (Yellow) – Season of Birth – October to November
Birak (Red) – Season of the Young – December to January
Monday 7 October – School Development Day
Tuesday 8 October – Students return
Wednesday 11 December – Assembly 9am
Thursday 12 December – Last Day for Students
Kindy/Pre-Primary – ES2
Hello / Kaya,
That’s a wrap! Another year is coming to an end. It has been such a wonderful year of growth and learning for the students in ES2. I am so proud of all they have accomplished, the hard work they have put in and the friends they have made.
We have watched as our students have learnt ways of effectively communicating with us and their peers, shared laughter and made memories together. I have enjoyed watching all the students in the class become friends, navigating social situations, and sharing special moments.
All students in ES2 have improved their literacy and numeracy skills over the year and developed their choice making skills, shared their opinions and explored the world around them in hands on learning activities.
This has been a lovely year and I would like to thank my team in ES2 who have worked tirelessly to ensure only the best outcomes for our students.
Next year I will be teaching at another school and while this is exciting, I am sad to be leaving such a lovely school community. I would like to thank all the staff, students, and families for making my time at Gwynne Park ESC as exciting and memorable as it has been. There is such a positive community here at this school and everyone plays a part. I will miss you all, I have had a wonderful two years here and I am sad to go. But its not goodbye, just see you later.
Wishing all families a happy and safe holiday.
Laura Samuelson and the staff in ES2.

End of Year Book Awards
Congratulations to our End of Year Book Award winners;
Carter, Cena, Ethan, Gabriel, Geoff, Jacob, Joshua, Kaitoa, Kaspa, Krishav, Lucky, Mintiaz, Quinley, Sterling, Talashia, Theo and Toby
Pre-Primary / Year 1 – ES3
It’s hard to believe it’s the end of the year already. Wow has this term gone fast. Over the past few weeks, we have been cleaning up the room, and engaging in fun activities to see out the last few weeks. In weeks 5, 8 & 9, students have continued going on our much-loved excursion to Kwinana adventure park. There we have been learning to engage in all sorts of outdoor and playground activities such as swinging on the swings, playing in the water, and going across the tree top playground with huge slides. Its’ amazing to see how well students have learnt to sit together as a group and eat their picnic lunch. As well as this, in the past few weeks’ students have been going off to their new classes for transitions. It has been wonderful to see how well they have adapted to their new rooms, teachers, and peers. GO ES3! All parents should be super proud of how much their children have grown throughout the year. In week 10 we have our final assembly and then a fun day filled with activities voted by the students across the school. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday and look forward to seeing you all return healthy, refreshed, and ready for 2024.
Happy Holidays ES3 staff.

Year 1 – ES4
Dear Families,
As the end of the term approaches, I am delighted to report that our students have made exceptional progress this semester. We have focused on nurturing and developing well-rounded individuals by imparting knowledge in various curriculum areas. Our students have participated in different group activities and have learned essential life skills such as sharing and respecting others, as well as independent learning.
We are proud to say that our students have shown tremendous improvement in their literacy, numeracy, and understanding of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS). They have also demonstrated higher protective behaviour knowledge, improved their health goals, and learned how to deal with real-world situations independently. Our students have enhanced their communication skills, identified what motivates them, and learned to identify and express their feelings to overcome anxiety and fears.
We have focused on improving their reading, writing, and speaking skills by practising words associated with the letter and sound of the week and reading stories of cultural celebrations worldwide. Our students have also learned about measurement methods, money identification, and the basics of Australian geography and weather. They have proudly displayed their artwork made with natural, man-made, and recycled materials.
Our health and protective behaviour sessions focused on well-being and personal growth. We are proud of the progress made by our students in a short period and have observed growth in their overall results compared to the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
My team and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance!
Warmest regards and season's greetings,
Aditya Singhal
Class Teacher ES4

Year 1/2 – ES1
We have had an amazing year in ES1. Every student has made progress, academically, socially and with self-regulation. Students’ engagement and participation across all areas of the school day has increased significantly. Their friendships have grown with their peers, and we have made wonderful connections with all the students. We will miss working with them next year and wish them continued success as they progress through school. Thank you to Ranvijay’s mum who came in for Dwalil and helped the students draw Rangoli’s on the pavement outside the intermediate playground and office.
This is what we admire in each student.
Aiden has a cheeky smile.
Demunga has boundless energy.
Geoff is an artist in the making.
Hunter is very helpful and love doing jobs.
Ranvijay is our Lego master.
Sharon is a quiet achiever.
Stefan has wonderful conversations using his talker.
Theo is always the first to pack away even when he hasn’t been playing with the items.
Vahn is very determined to be independent.
To the parents thank you for your support during the year and for untrusting your children in our care. We wish you all a wonderful holiday period. Thank you to the amazing Education Assistants that have supported me during the year, without you the students would not have achieved all that they have.
Jan Collier and classroom staff

Year 2/3 - Rm 18
What a fantastic term it has been, I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone! Room 18 students have achieved and accomplished so much this year. Their communication, confidence and independence have increase significantly and it has been a pleasure to watch every single student strive, grow and friendships flourish.
Students had a great time at the colour run event in week eight, there was smiles all around. In Science students have been participating in hands on experiments looking at solids, liquids, and gases. Students enjoyed watching a solid turn into gas that made the balloon blow up. This term students have made slime and ooblek which they thoroughly enjoyed playing with.
Students have been participating in our whole school transition these last few weeks and have enjoyed meeting their new peers and teachers.
From the staff and I in Room 18 we wish you a fantastic Christmas break and look forward seeing everyone next year
Jessica Nelson and Room 18 Staff

Protective Behaviours
This year, students from PP to Year 6, have demonstrated their knowledge across a wide range of Protective Behaviours concepts including, emotions, early warning signs, safe and unsafe behaviours/touch/secrets, public and private body parts/locations/behaviours. They have learnt a lot!
In the second half of this term students have been learning the meaning of public and private and the difference between public and private locations. The Upper Years classes have also been learning about the types of behaviour appropriate in each setting. Students are understanding that private behaviours are for private locations, and that private locations, such as a bedroom or bathroom, are only private if the door and curtains are closed.
I hope all students have enjoyed their Protective Behaviours lessons this year and I look forward to seeing everyone back in 2024. I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and enjoy the summer holiday!

Year 3/4 - Rm 19
Wow, we cannot believe it is the end of term 4 already. Talk about time flying when the class has been busy doing so many activities to see out the school year.
Rm 19 students have been attending their prospective classes for 2024 during weekly transition sessions where they have been engaging in fun learning activities and enjoying spending time with their future peers and staff.
Back in the classroom we have been doing many festive activities to celebrate the holiday season. We have decorated the room with all of the artwork we have made over the last few weeks. We particularly enjoyed making our Santa faces and having our photo taken with them. If you do pass by our room, we hope you find it looks as festive as we think it does.
In science we have been continuing our learning about how things are affected by physical changes. We explored this by making fake snow using baking soda, cornflour and cold water. Students were amazed at how the ingredients combined to produce the end product of snow which they enjoyed playing with and making miniature snow figures.
Last Friday students had a great time making cupcakes, pizzas and popcorn with Ms Nicholas for her last day in room 19 for the term. We would like to thank Ms Nicholas for all the fun activities she brought to our Friday lessons, especially for both music and sport. Ms Nicholas has helped us grow in our learning and we hope she has a very, happy holidays.
As we finish up on our last week of school for the year, all staff in room 19 would like to give a big thank you to all the parents and caregivers for their contributions and support throughout the year. We hope all families have a wonderful and safe holiday season and we look forward to seeing you all in 2024!
Miss Orr and Staff of room 19

My name is Lauren Abbott and next year, I will be teaching Year 1 students in ES2!
With 14 years of teaching experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge and passion for Early Childhood Education to Gwynne Park Education Support Centre.
My teaching journey began with two years in the country at Coorow Primary School, followed by 12 years at Manning Primary School.
I am a proud mother of two sons, aged 7 and 9 and a big West Coast Eagles fan.
I am very creative, musical and love to laugh.
I am very committed to early intervention and tailoring my teaching to meet the unique needs of each student.
I am excited to become an integral part of the Gwynne Park Education Support Centre culture.
I look forward to immersing myself in the vibrant community and building meaningful connections with the wonderful families here.

My name is Mrs Bartholomew and I am so excited to be starting at Gwynne Park Education Support Centre next year! I have been teaching for 13 years and am passionate about educating students and watching them grow. I live with my husband and two kids. We love to take our dogs bushwalking. I am looking forward to meeting you all and having a wonderful year together in 2024.
Year 4/5 - Rm 17
There it goes! Did you see it? What was that? Oh yes, there it is… the year that just flew by!
Despite time flying past us, we’ve been very busy in Room 17. In Literacy, we have read books about a year on a farm and some boys who ate too much Christmas pudding. We wrote a book about the year we’ve had in Room 17, which gave us all a chance to reflect on what we’ve achieved this year and all the fun we’ve had.
In Maths, we learned about right angles and where we can find them in our environment. We have also practiced our addition and subtraction skills and returned to mapping to play games. In Science, we ended up with 20+ beetles as we continued to learn about life cycles, and in Health we participated in light exercise outdoors as we ventured to Don Simmons Reserve.
The highlight of the last half of term has been preparing for our classroom restaurant, which we hosted (not in the classroom though) on Thursday 7th December. Students helped to make the pizzas and burgers and sat with their families to enjoy the tasty treats. A big thank you to Angus’s family for their generous donation of food for the event, and to Anthony and Robert from Room 15 for filling in as wait staff while the Room 17 students spent some quality time with their families.
Each student in the class should be proud of what they have achieved this year – it’s been a busy year and it has been incredible to witness each student grow in perseverance, excellence, safety, and communicative skills. And, of course, we would like to thank all the families for their support throughout 2023. A relaxing Christmas break has been well-earned!
That’s all from us! Take care everyone, and we look forward to seeing our Year 5s and 6s return to school in 2024.
Tim Horton and Room 17 Staff

Year 5/6 - Rm 15
I can’t quite believe we are already at the end…. the end of term 4, the end of an amazing year, and for most of our class the end to their time in primary school. The last half of the term has been very busy for our class. We had our final high school transition day, we have had transition for next years classes, lots of graduation practice and lots of learning and fun. For our year sixes we also enjoyed a fabulous camp at Point Walter in week 8. Our students had a lot of fun on camp, enjoying the sea biscuit water skiing and the giant flying fox, it looks high from the ground, but it is definitely higher once you make your way up the steps. We are proud of all of our students who attended this year’s camp and the way they persevered with trying something new. In the classroom, we have been getting into the Christmas spirit. We have been making decorations using our Literacy, Math, and Art skills. During Literacy we have been focusing on short stories, for our Christmas window we created our own story featuring an Echidna named Bruce with a little backpack, Lilly the Wombat, and Chris the Kangaroo. All students participated in creating the story, set in a snowy forest with snow topped Christmas trees. We made Christmas wreaths using shape decorations and made our own Santa baubles with paper plates. The classroom team decided to put a Christmas tree in the class and the students have all helped to decorate it using a mix of handmade decorations and classic baubles. We will send the handmade decorations home with students on the last day of school.
We wish everyone a happy and safe break over the festive period. To our year sixes, we wish you all the best for your start to high school next year, our year fives, we look forward to welcoming you back in 2024 as year sixes.
Thank you,
Mrs Agius-Kaukau and Room 15 staff

Year 5/6 - Rm 16
It’s the time of year to celebrate your child’s achievements and all they have accomplished throughout 2023. The students have achieved personal goals, developed social skills and independence. We have had happy and emotional times but mostly fun and exciting moments. This term the students have liked riding the new bikes, picking strawberries from the garden, learning about puberty. We have had a wonderful end of year excursion where the students visited Ranger Redz Zoo and Conservation Park and they have finished the topic with writing a recount.
We have had an amazing year in Rm16, and I’ve enjoyed watched the students learn and grow. The students reflected on their learning and achievements and have written about what they liked. Check out the student’s thoughts and their favourite things they accomplished at school in 2023.
Jesse James- I liked Mrs D and playing the Lego bridge game. I have learnt how to use a Smart Rider on the bus.
Cooper Gregory- I liked cooking. I learnt how to play soccer.
Josh- I really liked bike track, swimming going to the Zoo and also liked satellite and the going to the Armadale shops. I learnt to play sport.
Zarek- I really liked going to Ranger Redz Zoo. I learnt about birds.
Ethan My favourite thing at school was satellite and swimming. I also liked going to Food Bank, the Zoo and making the scarecrow. I learnt how to feed animals at the zoo.
Laura – I like bike track at school. I like dancing. I learnt to use a talker.
Kingston – I like iPad. I like sensory toys. I like massage.
Suma – I Like colouring I like cutting paper I like sweeping.
Jesse H – I have learnt to research old historical cars and trains. I like to draw and play with Lego and iPad.
Thank you to all the families for your support this year and a special thank you goes to the fabulous Education Assistants in Rm 16. They have been amazing in supporting your children emotionally and assisting with their learning goals.
Wishing everyone a safe, wonderful Christmas and happy holidays break.
Ms Williams and Room 16 staff.

Messages from the Front Office
Contribution Payments for 2024
Please click on below link to view the 2024 Contributions and Charges schedule and 2024 Booklists. These are also available on the school website.

Payments to the school can be made direct to the office via cash or EFTPOS or payments can be made via direct deposit to the school account;
Account Name: Gwynne Park Education Support Centre
BSB: 016-253
Account: 3408-74468
Narration: Students Name
Payment Plans can also be established to help with the contributions and if required to assist with payments for excursions. Please speak to the ladies in the office.
Information for families
Girl Power 2024
When: Monday, 22nd of January 2024 @ 9.30am-1.00pm (*3 places remaining) or Tuesday, 23rd of January 2024
Where: Gosnells Community Lotteries House (Agonis Building) – Meeting Room, 2232c Albany Hwy, Gosnells
Cost: Single $40 (and you can bring a friend for half price)
CLICK TO SECURE YOUR PLACE: https://wacpps.org.au/girl-power/
Facilitator: Elaine McCarron
Elaine has over ten years’ experience in primary education having worked in the UK and Australia with a focus on special educational needs and inclusion. She is passionate about enhancing the wellbeing and learning outcomes of all individuals. She is excited merging her passion for teaching and learning with counselling skills gained in 2019 upon completion of a Graduate Diploma.
Fringe World Performance
Party Pooper is a three-person, fully scripted, acrobatic show for 4 - 12 year olds. Featuring all the classics: Pin the Tail on the Donkey as well as Hula Hoops, Pass the Parcel as well as Pass Juggling and Musical Statues as well as Handstands. We’ve captured that real spark that kids have when it comes to celebrating themselves and their achievements. Which contracts quite starkly with the character of the ‘Party Pooper’ - who represents a very boring approach to ‘not making a big deal about themselves’.
We’re performing in the Pleasure Garden, Northbridge, at 1:50pm for the last week of school holidays (23-28th Jan) as well as the first weekend in Feb. Tickets are on sale to the public now and more info can be found here: