8 November 2024
Principal’s Update
Year 1 – ES2
Year 4/5 - Rm 17
Year 2 – ES4
Physical Education
Kindy / Pre-Primary – ES1
In the Spotlight……. Owen Littleton
Year 4/5 - Rm 18
Protective Behaviours
Year 2 – ES5
Year 2/3 - Rm 19
Year 6 - Rm 15
Pre-Primary / Year 1 – ES3
Year 4/5 - Rm 16
Front Office
Community Information for families
Principal’s Update

Dear families,
What a huge start to the first 5 weeks of term. Our rescheduled Sports Carnival was a great success. Thank you to Mr James and the team for organising the event and our amazing P&C for cooking lunch and facilitating the raffle, drawn by Minister of Education, Dr Buti.
I would like to welcome Owen Littleton to our teaching staff in Room 16. Below you can find out more about him in the Spotlight. We had two teams (junior and senior) attend the Education Support South Network (ESSN) Soccer Carnival and each student represented our school with pride and sportsmanship. Our Junior Team came away Champions and our Senior Team Runner-Up. Congratulations to all students and staff involved in enabling the day to be a success. Day for Daniel was recognised at the end of Week 3 with activities to promote feeling safe and developing protective behaviours. Thank you to Ms Mumford-Orr for organising this for us. Thank you to Ms Bloxsidge, Ms Green and Ms Magistro who coordinated the display of our students amazing work at the Kelmscott Show.
Week 4 saw some of our Year 6’s attend transition for High School to Byford Secondary College. Whole School transition will begin in Week 7. We will welcome our 2025 Kindergarten students and new students for orientation at our school during this time.
Our Public School Board Meeting will be held in Week 8 on Friday the 29th November 2024 at 9am, all are welcome to attend. Please save the date for our Final Assembly of the year, as we award our Book Award winners and farewell our Year 6’s on Wednesday the 11th of December.
Natasha Naylor
Important Dates 2024
Term 4
Kambarang (Yellow) – Season of Birth – October to November
Birak (Red) – Season of the Young – December to January
Tuesday 10 December – Year 6 Graduation Day
Wednesday 11 December – Assembly 9am
Thursday 12 December – Last Day for Students
Year 1 – ES2
Welcome to the midterm newsletter update for ES2! This term seems to be zooming past, with five weeks already behind us. In ES2, we have been exploring festivities and celebrations from around the world, and our students are loving every moment. So far, we’ve celebrated Birthdays, Chinese New Year, Diwali, and Halloween, with even more exciting celebrations to come. Our hands have been busy harvesting carrots and broccoli from the ES2 garden, baking delicious banana bread, creating our own Bollywood and Lion dances, and participating in a fun-filled Sports Day. The term’s excitement didn’t stop there; our students also enjoyed the rhythm and energy of the African Drumming incursion and, in a thrilling new addition, welcomed three class pets to our room! ES2 is now home to three hermit crabs, affectionately named Itchy, Scratchy, and Tallulah, who are already receiving lots of love and care from the students. Believe it or not, the fun has only just begun, as we have the rest of the term to sing, dance, cook, paint, decorate, and celebrate together. A quick note before we go: Weeks 7, 8, and 9 are transition weeks, where our ES2 students will meet their new teacher and Education Assistants for 2025. Thank you for reading our midterm update and keep smiling—there’s so much more to come!
From Mrs. Abbott and the ES2 Team.
Year 4/5 - Rm 17
Term 4 is off to a fantastic start with lots of learning and fun events! In class, we’ve been working on consonant blends in Letters and Sounds, and reading The Rainbow and Sail Away. We even made rainbow art and tasted rainbow jelly! In HASS, we’ve explored continents like Africa and North America, learning about their climate, landforms, plants and animals.
We’ve participated in activities for Day for Daniel, learning about safety, and enjoyed an excursion to Perth Zoo to see amazing animals like elephants, Komodo dragons and rhinos. We also had a blast with an African Drumming incursion and created a short animated film in Media Arts about a hungry emu.
As we approach the end of the term, we’re excited to wrap up our Year 4/5 journey. Only five weeks to go!
Tim Horton and Room 17 Staff
Year 2 – ES4
Dear Families,
We hope you are well as we start Week 5 of Term 4, 2024. The year is moving fast, and we are learning so much in class! Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:
We’ve been practicing new words each week with sounds from "Letters and Sounds Phase 3." We’re building our skills in reading and writing, and it’s amazing to see the progress. We’re also learning tricky and high-frequency words, helping us express ourselves with more confidence. Using simple and complex sentences is part of our practice too, and our chart writing helps with this. In guided reading, we’re learning about celebrations around the world, exploring different cultures.
We’re working on counting confidently to 50 and back from 50, spotting patterns in numbers. We’re also learning to identify and understand the value of Australian coins. Fun games on the smartboard are helping us remember what we learn. We’ve also started to tell the time to the hour by making clock projects.
STEM and Art
For the Kelmscott Show, we created a special display with a social message. Other projects included a helmet-making competition for “Your Move” and festive art like Rangoli for Diwali, pumpkin painting for Halloween, and Moon and Star Wind Chimes for Eid.
HASS, Health, and Protective Behaviours
In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), we’re learning about the continents and where they are on the world map. In Health, we’re focusing on good hygiene like handwashing before eating and cleaning our desks. We’re also learning to stay hydrated by drinking water often. In Protective Behaviours, we’re practicing moving around the school safely, following class rules, and expressing our needs and feelings respectfully.
We’re so proud of everything the children are achieving this term. Thank you for all your support, and we’re excited to keep celebrating their growth! If you have questions or want to talk about your child’s progress, please feel free to reach out.
Warmest Regards,
The ES4 Teaching Team (Mr S, Mrs Davey, Ms Anna, Ms Lambie, and Mrs Batula)

Physical Education
We had so much fun at the Sports Carnival! It was fantastic to see so many students actively involved and enjoying themselves, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship. As we move into Term 4, our focus in physical education will be on viewing, reinforcing, and practicing the skills we’ve developed throughout the year. This term, we are revisiting our Fundamental Movement Skills to ensure everyone has a strong foundation.
To keep things exciting, we have been incorporating a variety of fun activities, including totem tennis, cycling, and challenging obstacle courses. These activities not only reinforce the skills we’ve learned but also encourage teamwork and friendly competition. We are incredibly proud of all the students for doing an excellent job of listening and following instructions, which has made our sessions both productive and enjoyable. Let’s keep the momentum going as we finish the year strong!
Miss Beckett, Mr James and Ms Mbewe

Kindy / Pre-Primary – ES1
As we near the end of the year students are consolidating their learning from throughout the year. They have also been practising their independent skills they will need for their next classroom. All students are now unpacking and packing their own bags and saying goodbye to their families outside of the classroom. We are supporting them to carry their own bags when they leave the classroom. For some of the students it can still be a bit challenging to take turns and share highly desired items. However, they have all made progress with their social skills and developing self-regulation when something doesn’t go the way they want at that moment.
Students have lots of opportunities for shared co-operative play and role play during the week. They have been playing in the home corner with the dolls, the tea set and cooking items, and dramatic play with hand puppets. We have some budding engineers; they love to construct with Duplo and the magnetic blocks. Outside in the playground there is a set of large wooden blocks and plastic mega blocks they love to build with. Shivansh is always trying to work out to make his constructions move by placing round items underneath what he has built.
The sports carnival was a fun day with lots of activities to do. Recently we had an African drumming incursion, it was very noisy but lots of fun to play the drums and percussion instruments. In science they made volcanoes by pouring coloured vinegar into a cup containing bicarb soda. The students then watched the vinegar bubble over the top of the cup. Apparently, the bubbles didn’t taste as good as they looked.
We have read several books including Head to Toe, I Love Animals, Pig in the Pond, and Mouse Paint. They have completed related activities including painting pictures of animals and collage. In Maths we have been focusing on counting each item, in a group of items, only once.
Jan Collier and ES1 staff.

In the Spotlight……. Owen Littleton

Hello, Gwynne Park ESC Community! My name is Owen Littleton, and I have recently taken on the role of Room 16 teacher. You may have already seen me around the school or even had a quick chat with me. If not, please feel free to say hello - I’d love the chance to get to know you!
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some fantastic staff and forming some wonderful relationships with the students here. It’s been inspiring to join such a welcoming and dedicated school community.
A quick bit about me: I have three young children, skills in art and design, a passion for health and wellbeing, and a love for playing tennis, surfing, and riding my motorbike. I look forward to continuing to grow relationships, creating fun and engaging learning activities, and collaborating closely with Gwynne Park ESC’s excellent team of established educators to care for, support, and challenge our students into 2025 and beyond.
Kaya families
In term 4 we have had Binar Futures continue cultural workshops with our Indigenous students, we are learning about Noongar words and symbols and how to introduce ourselves in Noongar language.
Also, I would like to share with families some community programs that Minnawarra house in Armadale have to offer for students and families:
- Free Counselling services to 10-18 year olds as well as families.
- Women’s group 14th October – 2nd December 2024
- Coffee and muffin mornings 15th October – 3rd December 2024
- Bonsai tree growing 14th October – 2nd December 2024
- Book review club
- Art classes 16th October – 4th December 2024 COST: $60 a term or $10 a class
- Free Chi Kung Exercise class 15th October 3rd December 2024
- Pottery classes 17th October – 5th December COST: $60 a term or $10 a class.
- School tutor groups Tuesdays 15th October – 3rd December 2024
- Women’s meditation 15th October – 3rd December 2024
- Kidz Klub Wednesdays 23rd October – 4th December 2024 COST: $40 per 7-week course
- Free family law advice Wednesdays
- Girls group Wednesdays 23rd October – 4th December 2024
More information can be found on their website Home - Minnawarra House (minnahouse.org.au) or contact Admin for flyers.
Year 4/5 - Rm 18
Wow, can you believe we’re already in Week 5? Time is flying by, and Room 18 staff are amazed at how quickly this term is going! We’ve had a busy few weeks filled with exciting activities. Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve been up to:
Week 2 – Sports Carnival
Our Sports Carnival was a huge hit! All of the students took part, and there were lots of fun events. The highlight for many was the breakdancing, where students showed off their awesome moves! It was a day full of energy, team spirit, and plenty of smiles.
Week 3 – Zoo excursion
In Week 3, Room 18 went on an exciting excursion to the zoo. We got up close with a variety of amazing animals and learned lots of interesting facts about them. By the end of the day, we were all a little tired from walking around, but it was so worth it!
Week 4 – African Drumming Incursion
Week 4 brought us the vibrant sounds of Africa with our African Drumming incursion. Students had a blast playing different drums and percussion instruments. Everyone was dancing and moving to the rhythm, and it was wonderful to see how much fun everyone had creating music together.
We can’t wait to see what the next few weeks will bring! Keep up the fantastic work, Room 18!
Until next time.
The Room 18 Team

Protective Behaviours
In our recent protective behaviour lessons, students have been actively engaged in understanding the concepts of private parts and safe versus unsafe behaviours. They particularly enjoyed using anatomically correct dolls to explore these ideas hands-on. Students identified the male and female dolls, discussing the importance of covering their private parts and why this is necessary. We also focused on recognizing safe and unsafe touches and identifying trusted adults in our network, emphasizing the importance of having supportive adults to turn to. The "No, Go, Tell" mantra has become a key part of our classroom discussions, and students are becoming more confident in practicing these essential skills. We’re excited to continue exploring these important topics together!
Miss Beckett, Mr James and Ms Mbewe

Year 2 – ES5
Hello families,
This term has been an exciting journey for the ES5 classroom, as we've embarked on an adventure to learn about diverse cultures and their celebrations through the lens of English and the Arts. So far, our students have explored some incredible festivities and traditions!
We kicked things off with Halloween, where students embraced the spooky season through creative art captured the spirit of trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, and eerie tales.
Next, we dived into the vibrant and colourful festival of Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights. Students learned about the significance of this celebration in Hindu culture and created beautiful lanterns and candles.
We also had a fun time learning about the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s most famous horse racing event. Students discovered the history and traditions behind the race and expressed their understanding through English writing and art, even designing their own fascinators and jockey silks!
Looking ahead, we are excited to explore more celebrations, including Thanksgiving, where we’ll discuss the themes of gratitude and tradition, and Christmas, where we'll dive into the cultural festivities and customs celebrated worldwide. Through stories, art projects, and engaging activities, we hope to broaden our understanding and appreciation of the rich tapestry of cultures around us.
Ant James and Staff

Year 2/3 - Rm 19
Hello parents and carers,
In HASS students have been learning about Australian geography. They have been placing the states and territories on a blank map of Australia. All the students have impressed me with their knowledge of the states and territories. Cena has the most amazing memory he can name all the states and territories and point to where they are on a map of Australia.
During art we have been focusing on following steps modelled by the teacher to create a collage or a picture. So far, the students have created a paper flower, Cat in the Hat, and a sunflower. We also made a ghost for Halloween. They have created bicycle helmets out of various recycled waste products, and they will go into a whole school competition to win the best helmet. I am very impressed with the student’s creativity, and they have demonstrated good cutting, gluing and assembly skills.
In our class we have embraced a positive classroom behaviour management process. Which has been rolled out across the school. We have been listening to PowerPoints on what it looks to show perseverance and safety. Nearly all students in room 19 have earned prizes from the PBS shop. Well done to room 19 students.
Regards Mrs Lori and room 19 staff

Year 6 - Rm 15
What an action-packed term it has been for our students! Here's a recap of some of the highlights:
Our annual Sports Carnival was a huge success this year, with students showcasing their athletic skills and sportsmanship. The day was filled with energy, excitement, and plenty of cheering from both students and parents. From sprints to tug-of-war and long jump, everyone had a blast participating in the different events. A big congratulations to all the winners, and a huge thank you to the teachers and volunteers who made the day run smoothly!
Our upper years students had an unforgettable day on their excursion to the Perth Zoo. The students enjoyed observing a wide variety of animals and learning about their habitats, diets, and conservation efforts. The students came back with lots of fun facts and new knowledge!
We were thrilled to have an African Drumming incursion, where students had the chance to experience the rhythms and sounds and different drums. Everyone had the chance to try their hand at playing the drums, learning different beats, and creating a rhythm together. The session was a fantastic way to explore music and culture while having lots of fun!
High school transitions have continued this term and all students are taking it in their stride and excited to see what is instore for them next year. The rest of term will see us focus on our combined graduation assembly and final ESC assembly.
It's been a fantastic term full of learning and memorable experiences.
Thank you,
Chloe and Room 15 team.

Pre-Primary / Year 1 – ES3
Welcome to ES3’s term 4 newsletter. It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of the school year! The last 5 weeks have been so busy and have just flown by. This month has been brimming with exciting activities and events for our class! In Week 2, we had our much anticipated sports carnival, where everyone joined in, did their best and had so much fun. It was amazing to see all the families turn up and the students loved having their siblings watch them. Even though it was hot, big thank you to all the families for persevering to the end. Week 4 we had the African Drumming incursion where the students made so much noise with the banging of drums, shaking of maracas, tingling of triangles, dancing and singing. Everyone had so much fun, they even joined in making a conga line!
We are so excited with our upcoming excursions to the Kwinana Adventure Park and we can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Year 4/5 - Rm 16
Term 4 has already been incredibly eventful for Room 16, and we're only at the end of Week 5! So far, we’ve enjoyed our school sports carnival, a day trip to the zoo, an African drumming incursion, Day for Daniel awareness activities, and even our student election day. It seems we’re out of the classroom more often than we’re in it (to the delight of some, I’m sure!). Today, though, I’d like to reflect on our most recent adventure: a journey into Armadale City via public transport.
The students of Room 16 eagerly mapped out our bus route, prepared their Smartriders, and discussed a tight schedule before departing. They showed fantastic independence boarding the bus and navigating the busy footpaths towards the library, all the while demonstrating the utmost politeness and representing our school with pride. Inside, we lounged on cosy couches, played games, and read books before heading to Memorial Park - but not before grabbing a well-earned ice cream along the way!
We ate our recess in the park, spending time on the slides, swings, and playing the large chimes. Then we decided to take the scenic route back to the bus depot through Minnawarra Park. Everyone enjoyed seeing the waterfall, walking over the bridge and boardwalks, and even spotted a small school of fish swimming in the clear water below (I wonder if they will tell a similar story about us in their newsletter?).
The trip back to school was filled with happy chatter, although it was just too short for anyone to sneak in a nap. We arrived back just in time for lunch and then spent the afternoon making lava lamps in ES2 with Mr. James.
What a day!
- Mr. Littleton

Front Office
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you to those who have made payment for the 2024 contributions.
You should have received your 2025 Contributions and Charges. If not, please click on below link to view the 2025 Contributions and Charges schedule. In this folder you also find the 2025 Booklists. These are also available on the school website.
This will provide you with an overall amount related to the cost of educational experiences, incursions, and excursions that will be requested in 2025.
Booklists will also be available on the school website under the ‘For Families’ tab.
If you require a paper copy, please contact Administration.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community!
Kath Chamberlain
Manager Corporate Services
Payments to the school can be made direct to the office via cash or EFTPOS or payments can be made via direct deposit to the school account.
Account Name: Gwynne Park Education Support Centre
BSB: 016-253
Account: 3408-74468
Ref: Students Name
Payment Plans can also be established to help with the contributions and if required to assist with payments for excursions. Please speak to the ladies in the office.
Community Information for families
City of Armadale Community Health and Wellbeing News and Events

Please see below some upcoming community health and wellbeing events and services being offered within the City of Armadale.
Yoga in the Park
Thursdays | 5:45pm - 6:45pm
Creyk Park
Breathe in the fresh air and embrace tranquillity with FREE Yoga in the Park this November.
Join us every Thursday this November for a rejuvenating outdoor yoga session set amidst the beauty of nature.
For more info, visit the website.
Street Games
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Tuesdays | John Dunn Reserve
Fridays | Gwynne Park, Armadale
Join Reclink Australia for this FREE sport based drop-in session. Designed for young people, sessions are running for 9 weeks with a wide range of sports on offer including footy, cricket, volleyball, boxing and more!
For more info, click here to visit the website.
Laughter Yoga for Seniors
Mon 11 Nov | 10:00am - 11:00am
Seville Grove Library
Being playful and having fun can greatly enhance our sense of wellbeing. Join Janet Whitfield from Abundant Laughter for an engaging and interactive session of laughter yoga. With activities involving playful laughter games, hand clapping and deep breathing, you will learn about the many health benefits from laughter.
To find out more and to book, click here
Accidental Counsellor
Thurs 14 Nov | 9:30am - 4:00pm
Harrisdale Pavilion
Do you find that people often open up to you and share their problems? Delivered by Helping Minds this FREE 1 Day Accidental Counsellor Course will teach you the techniques for helping others identify their strengths, gain new perspectives, and the skills needed for effective counselling.
For more info and to register, click here
Seville Grove Community Group
Wed 20 Nov | 10:00am - 12:00pm
Seville Grove Library
Come along to this monthly gathering. Have a yarn, share stories, and find ways to live a happier and more meaningful life. Running every 3rd Wednesday of the month, this group is open to all members of the community. No bookings required, morning tea provided.
Cervical Cancer Info Session
Wed 20 Nov | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Kelmscott Library
Come along to this FREE workshop delivered by the Western Australian Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. Learn about cervical cancer and its' risk factors, the new screening test and treatment options and the National Cervical Screening Program.
For more info and to register, click here.
Acts of Kindness Calendar & Card Making
Thurs 21 Nov | 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Piara Waters Library
Discover how small acts of kindness boost the givers’ well-being and foster greater community trust. At this workshop you will create an Acts of Kindness Diary to help you, to start sprinkling kindness throughout your community.
For more info and to register, click here
All Abilities Active
Thurs 28 Nov | 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Armadale Fitness & Aquatic Centre
Come along for an afternoon of inclusive fun! Enjoy a selection of adaptive group fitness classes, tasty free food, and a range of actitivies and games. Plus, our guest speaker will share their inspiring experiences and insights.
Everyone is welcome. For more info and to register, visit the website here.
Charity Christmas Appeal
This year, in line with the City's Acts of Kindness project, Crossways Community Services will have donation boxes at 7 City facilities as part of their Annual Charity Christmas Appeal. Help put food on the table for those in need this festive season.
To find out more about the project and the list of acceptable food items, click here to visit the website.
Swimming Safety Survey
Are you aged over 45 years?
Curtin University and Royal Life Saving Society WA (RLSSWA) are interested in the experiences of swimming and water safety for people aged over 45 years. You can help by completing their 15 minute survey which includes questions about you and what you like to do in and around water. Go in the draw to WIN one of three $100 Visa cash cards.
Street Doctor
The Street Doctor service is now available at two locations within the City of Armadale! Street Doctor is a FREE healthcare clinic for vulnerable people and people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness within the City.
For more information, visit the website here.
Recipe Recommendation
Homemade beef burger patties and a homemade coleslaw in a yummy burger bun. Remember this crowd-pleasing recipe for the next time you fire up the BBQ.
Click here for the recipe!
Cricket Blast and Autism Cricket
The Armadale Junior Cricket Club will be conducting a Come and Try Day for the Cricket Blast programs commencing Thursday, 7th November at Gwynne Park Oval from 4.30pm to 6.00pm --- Seventh Road end. This program is for any girl or boy from the ages of 5 to 10 who would like to have a go at cricket.
On the same day, we will also be including the Autism in Cricket program.
We are inclusive of all children and abilities and are proud to offer the endorsed 'Autism in Cricket' program. Join with friends or make new ones while having fun in a safe, outdoor environment. Kidsport funding is available for eligible families. Registrations can be made at www.play.cricket.com.au or contact Terry or Emma at juniorsarmadalecc@gmail.com or 0401 610 158